If you have any technical difficulties or to request a password reset, please contact the Labcorp Service Desk based on your geographical location:

Support is available in six languages:
English, 24 x 7 x 365
French, 7:30am - 12:00am M-Sat (Central European Time)
Spanish, 2:00am - 8:00pm M-F (North America Eastern Time)
German, 7:00am - 7:00pm M-F (Central European Time)
Mandarin, 8:00am - 6:00pm M-F (China Standard Time)
Japanese, 9:00am – 6:00pm M-F (Tokyo time)
Direct Dial Service Desk Number:
+1-248-727-1118 (toll number)
Worldwide Toll-free Service Desk Numbers:
Argentina 8004446028
Australia 1800887198
Belgium 080058154
Brazil 08008923770
Bulgaria 8001184938
Chile 123 0020 1366
China 400 898 0505
Colombia 01800 5183878
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France 0805989960
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Israel 180 9453 604
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Netherlands 08000205865
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Switzerland 0800199177
Taiwan 0800888532
Thailand 001800 852 6772
Turkey 0800 142 077 199
UK 08000260003
Ukraine 0800 503183
Worldwide Toll Service Desk Numbers:
India 000-800-050-1634
For changes to your protocol access, please contact your Global Study Manager or Regional Coordinator.

Revision flags and histories are shown for changes made on or after 15-Apr-2007.
For historical information, please see the applicable Labcorp data revision report(s).